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Directional Microphones
How do directional microphones work?
As background noise increases, the backward facing microphones are suppressed, picking up less sound from behind. At the same time the forward facing microphones become more focused towards the front, which also reduces sounds from the sides .
This leads to better understanding of speech in noisy placed like bars and restaurants.
Hearing Aid Avoidance
This video highlights the most common excuses people use to avoid getting their hearing tested and being told they need hearing aids.
For each excuse you can see the reality which explains why you shouldn't delay getting your hearing tested, and if appropriate, start to wear hearing aids. We know more now than ever, that this is the worst thing you can do.
The long term implications of hearing aid avoidance can be far worse than wearing hearing aids, whatever age you are. Untreated hearing loss is shown to impact your family, social or work relationships, can hold you back in your career, can restrict your social life, can impact your physical health as it can make you less active and can lead to increased cognitive decline and the risk of developing dementia, or other mental health issues.